Antipasto Cauliflower Salad (or "Anti" Pasta as the original recipe is named!)

Leave it to the brilliant Mellissa over at to come up with yet another fantastic low-carb recipe.  This cauliflower salad is wicked good.  It's a great side dish for pretty much anything, and I love making a big batch to snack on all week. 

Cauliflower is pretty bland, and it was never one of my go-to's at the grocery store.  That was before I started on my low-carb mission.  The amount of things you can transform cauliflower into is unreal!  You can rice it and eat it as is, or make yourself some chicken fried rice.  You can make it into a pizza crust or a make-shift tortilla.  You can boil & mash it and enjoy creamy mashed "potatoes", and you can use it as a vehicle to bring other flavors together, like this recipe does.  The possibilities are endless!

The only change I make when following the original recipe, is that I add chopped up daikon as well.  I like the taste, and the added crunch.

I had actually never liked radicchio before making this.  It's pretty bitter and I've never really known what to do with it.  After eating a few bowls of this yummyness, I think I get it now.  In small doses, and more as a compliment to a dish, it adds a little something something.  All this to say that if you weren't a fan of radicchio before, do me a favor and don't skip it in this recipe.  Be bold, try something new!

Head on over here for the complete recipe, and enjoy!
